Bid List & Quotes

We ask that you consider quoting all classifications that you are pre-qualified for and strongly encourage you to utilize DBE involvement at all tiers of work, labor, material and supplies when possible.

Plans and Proposals can be obtained from the e-Proposal website at: MILogin For Third Party.

If there is no estimator, please send your estimates to

If submitting multiple quotes via email please send as one file attachment under one email message or as multiple attachments under one email message.The type of files preferred are: xlsx, xls, docx, pdf and jpeg.

Item No. Contract ID Description DBE Type Location Bid Due Date Estimator Email
00141000-218498West River over Rogue River & Packer Dr over White Pine Trail0%N9-1AKent Co10/04/
00308000-214719NE St. over Coldwater River, Village of Freeport6%N9-1BBarry Co10/04/
02254011-204959Old US-131, 8 Mile to Golfview Dr8%Ea or CbMecosta Co10/04/
02811013-221347Bicentennial Bascule Bridge over St. Joseph River0%FaBerrien Co10/04/
03953033-214817US-31 over Freeman Creek0%FaMason Co10/04/
04003112-221003140th Ave. over US-1310%N9-1AAllegan Co10/04/
20359012-213336US-131 over County Drain #1026%Ea or FaMontcalm Co10/04/